Entries by DigiTale

Where are the Missing Trillions?

The Guardian has published a series of articles that discuss how the world can come up with the missing trillions of dollars needed to fun the Sustainable Development Goals. The indisputable fact is that the SDG’s are going to be extremely expensive. There is an endless list of the resources and people that will be […]

The Power of Blended Finance, in Canada

Canada is one of the nations leading the way in attempting the achieve the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals. Canada has been at the forefront of a number of initiatives that have proven the ability of blended finance to make new solutions to development issues possible, working with the private sector to maximize resources, talent and […]

Aligning the Financial System with Sustainable Development

The shape of today’s financial system is a result of many historical choices. There was never a blueprint, certainly, but the system was formed by changing societal needs and expectations, associated policy decisions and the dynamic response to arising opportunities by market actors. Progressing a sustainable financial system may improve the efficiency, effectiveness and resilience […]

United Nations Working with the Business Community

In order to intensify the effort to advance the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the UN is exploring financial solutions for the Sustainable Development Goals. This includes examining the transformations needed in the financial sector that will encourage implementation. To collect these resources and up-scale their UN landmark agreements, member nations have insisted on the vital and […]

Mobilizing the Billions and Trillions for Climate Finance

Leaders from the World Bank Group, International Monetary Fund, and the United Nations met with minsters from 42 countries to discuss how to financially address climate change in the near and distant future. The meeting brought together people from all parts of the economy including government officials, civilians, investment firms, and private businesses. Climate change is […]

Keys to Infrastructure Funding

According to the World Economic Forum, global spending on basic infrastructure, which include transport, power, water and communications, currently amounts to $2.7 trillion a year. Much of the money to plug the gap needs to come from the public purse: even in an age where many governments should be spending more. The most cash-strapped emerging economies […]

Islamic Finance Could Help Fund Sustainable Development

Given the large scale of the needed financial resources to channel in support of SDG’s, the funding goes beyond the available public financial resources to shift to private finance and investment. Islamic finance as a form of financial stability offers tremendous potential in reinforcing links between finance and real economy. In fact the application of […]

Sustainable Development Bonds May Help Fill the Investment Gap

The United Nations estimated that there is a yearly gap of $2.5 trillion in funding for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Over the last few years, the development and impact finance sectors have developed numerous innovative investment instruments to attract both private and public investors. In addition to popular layered funds, a fund structure […]

Blended Finance Could be the Key to Solving the Investment Gap

In an article written by Gavin E.R. Wilson, CEO of IFC Asset Management Company and published as part of the Sustainable Development global agenda of the World Economic Forum, the suggested approach to closing the $2.5 trillion funding gap for the SDG’s was blended finance. Blended finance is the strategic use of development finance and […]