SDG Labs is an impact initiative focusing on leading transformation in companies and organizations in light of the SDGs. We are part of an active network of businesses under the United Nation Global Compact (UNGC) that mobilizes businesses into action for our future. This includes initiatives such as the commitment to keep emissions low enough so the earth does not pass the 1.5 c degree threshold.
We are committed to accelerating and implementing understanding in businesses around the SDGs. We help organizations translate the 17 Sustainable Development Goals into an implementable plan, based on a 4 dimensional (4D) measurement system. We direct the leaders and heads of organizations to navigate their activities in this change of an era.
Prof. Yehuda Kahane, and Mr. Tal Ronen, are at the head of a collective of experts and professionals that are creating a movement in Israel. This movement accelerates 4D impact oriented solutions for the world, transitioning companies to be goal based, and impact oriented, to create game-changing plays in this ever changing world.
Our services include:
- Lectures for executives
- Labs and Programs tailored for organizations
- Consultation and pairing with experts from our extensive network.