The Climate Group Holds High Level Meeting Held to Discuss Net-Zero Economy

The Climate Group recently held a high-level meeting of highly industrialized governments from around the world, The purpose of the meeting was to discuss ways to accelerate the transition to a world wide net-zero economy.

The Climate Group is an international non-profit that specializes in bold, catalytic and high-impact climate and energy initiatives with the world’s leading businesses and state and regional governments. A net-zero economy, sometimes referred to as carbon neutrality, refers to achieving net zero carbon emissions by balancing a measured amount of carbon released with an equivalent amount offset, or buying enough carbon credits to make up the difference. It relates to processes associated with transportation, energy production, and industrial processes.

After the historic Paris Agreement, state and regional governments are aiming to amplify their drive in finding innovative energy policies and implementing next generation solutions through a global network of collaboration. Special interest is shown in regions sharing economic similarities, those with heavy-industry and a fossil fuel reliance but also with ambitious climate commitments and a drive to accelerate their own energy transition.

States and regions have long been setting forward-thinking climate and energy policies. In shaping the future policy landscape, they play a critical role in delivering the greenhouse gas emissions reduction needed to meet the Paris Agreement’s goal.  They work at identifying and supporting those solutions and innovative legislative practices with incentive to drive growth and lower emissions. Growing investment in global clean energy last year reached six times the amount invested in 2004. In addition, the costs of solar panels and electric car batteries has been cut in half.

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