The New Economy: A Financial Climate for Climate Finance
The New Economy: A Financial Climate for Climate Finance

UNEP Report: Adapting to Climate Change Could Cost $500B Yearly by 2050
A new United Nations Environment (UNEP) report, the second in…

The Data Says Climate Change Could Cost Investors Trillions
An important new study, published in the journal Nature Climate…

Society Needs To Better Understand Climate Change Economics
In a new paper in the journal Science (as reported on Phys.org),…

Climate Change Could Reduce Global Financial Assets by $2.5 Trillion
“Our work suggests to long-term investors that we would be…

Climate Change Disaster Top Threat to Economy in 2016
A catastrophe caused by climate change is seen as the biggest…

World Economic Forum Names Global Warming the Top Economic Risk of 2016
In its annual report, the World Economic Forum (WEF) has named…

Climate Change Could Wreck the Global Economy
According to a study published in the scientific journal Nature…

Stanford Calculations Reveal Higher-Than-Expected Global Economic Cost Of Climate Change
When thousands of scientists, economists and policymakers meet…

The EIU Report: The Cost of Inaction
The cost of inaction: Recognising the value at risk from climate…