The New Economy: A Financial Climate for Climate Finance
The New Economy: A Financial Climate for Climate Finance

Climate Change and the Cost of Inaction
Economists Rio Colacito, Bridget Hoffmann, and Toan Phan posit…

Why Pension Fund Trustees Must Consider Climate Risk
Pension fund trustees can no longer ignore the risk that climate…

Economic Impact of Climate Change on Global Fisheries Worse Than We Thought
A study conducted by a team of scientists from the University…

Where to Put the Next Billion People
In a report published in the journal Nature, urban expansion…

Climate Change Inaction Could Cost Millennials $8.8 Trillion in Lifetime Income
A new study has found that without action on climate change,…

The Price Tag of Being Young
Climate change will have profound effects on millennials' economic…

Rising Sea Levels Could Cost U.S. Homeowners Trillions
In the near future, there may be a new definition of underwater…

Political Calculations: The Economic Impact of Climate Change
How can you measure the economic impact of climate change? That…

Too hot to work? What Climate Change Means for Jobs
Global warming will cost the world more than $2 trillion a year…