Adaptive Design For Collaborative Ecosystems

At YKCenter we are committed not only to accelerating the new economy and the SDGs but also to creating and facilitating the tools with which this work needs to be done.  Part of this work must be done in complete synchronization and collaboration – for that one must build the proper environments to foster our work.

Our friend and subject matter expert, Barry Camson has written an in depth description of how to create a collaborative ecosystem in which value is co-created. The article written describes what needs to be attended to in the process of adaptive design for the ecosystem. It sets out a path forward in pursuing adaptive design for a collaborative ecosystem.

The first part of the full article is available here – but for the full article follow this link

Barry Camson

Are you an Ecosystem?

Being an ecosystem involves recognizing all those engaged in the co-creation of value and in ongoing relationships with one another constituting a larger network. This is qualitatively different from seeing your organization plus all of the business relationships it has with its different providers and stakeholders. It is different from seeing your customer or client as the recipient of the goods or services that you develop.

What is an Ecosystem?

As in any ecosystem occurring in nature, members pursue interests individually, collectively, collaboratively and competitively. There is a common challenge which all are engaged in meeting, whether that is surviving and prospering, improving the health of a given population or providing transportation in a city.

In the human world, an ecosystem is partly intentionally formed and partly a result of organic emergence. It crosses industries, sectors, organizations and national boundaries. It includes entities of various types. It includes customers, clients, constituents, their families and support systems, and all of the providers who exchange skills, knowledge and other resources along the way.

Ecosystem boundaries are constantly changing. It possesses an adaptive capacity through self-organization to expand its coping capability under current or future conditions. Since it is emergent and boundaries are constantly changing, it can best be described by a critical challenge, a “wicked” problem, a common value proposition or the frequency of interaction among actors.